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Curricular Internship
  • it is not an employment relationship; 
  • it is a training experience that introduces the student to a working context; 
  • it is an activity that can be included in the study plan with the obtaining of credits.

Types of internship:

INTERNAL to university structures (University Departments and Laboratories);

EXTERNAL to university structures: Public and private companies, CNR, CINECA, ... in Italy or abroad.

1- To start an INTERNAL INTERNSHIP you need:

NB: this procedure is valid for all Degree Courses, except the Degree Course in Chemistry - Methodological Address and the Master's Degree Course in Chemical Sciences, for which the complete procedure can be found on the page: final exam: thesis/internship

  • Register on the INTERNSHIP PLATFORM and send an email to the Internship and Internships Office ( indicating:
  • Name and surname;
  • Tax ID code;
  • Badge number;
  • Start and end date of the internship;
  • Name and surname Scientific Tutor and Tutor of the host structure;
  • Objectives of the internship;
  • The document must be downloaded through the INTERNSHIP PLATFORM and delivered in paper format complete with signatures to the Internship and Internships Office BEFORE the internship start date.
  • Obtain the certificate of passing the course in FAD mode relating to workplace safety SICURMORE - 3 modules (to be delivered to the Internship and Internships Office). You can access the course with your email credentials by connecting to DOLLY.

*Degree Course in Chemistry - Methodological curriculum: students who choose the methodological curriculum have 12 credits in their study plan labeled as "final exam" (and not as internship).

2-  To start an EXTERNAL INTERNSHIP you need (same procedure for ALL degree courses):

NB: For the Bachelor's Degree Course in Chemistry and the Master's Degree Course in Chemical Sciences, follow the procedures described on the final exam: thesis/internship page.

1-Check that the host structure has an agreement with the Department. Students are therefore asked to verify this situation in advance with the contact person at the Internship and Internship Office or by consulting the list of agreements found in the "Companies at which to do the internship" section (check the expiry date).

2- The company or institution fills out the training project directly on the INTERNSHIP PLATFORM, in collaboration with the promoting teacher. Subsequently, the student delivers the document, in paper format, to the Internship and Internships Office BEFORE the internship start date.

3- Obtain the certificate of passing the course in FAD mode relating to workplace safety SICURMORE - 3 modules (to be delivered to the Internship and Internships Office). You can access the course with your email credentials by connecting to DOLLY


  • You need the extension request form which must be requested and delivered to the Internships and Internships Office BEFORE the internship expires.


  • To testify that the internship has taken place you need:

    1-the time sheet: to be delivered to the internship office immediately AFTER the end of the internship;

    2-the internship evaluation questionnaires which will be automatically generated by the Internship Platform and sent via email to the intern and to the company where the internship took place; the questionnaire must then be printed, filled in and delivered in paper form to the Internship and Internships Office.