The reference bases for the definition of the Department's Quality Policy are the policies, principles and processes that the University has adopted to pursue continuous improvement in the quality of research, teaching and the third mission, as explained in the Policies of the University and in the University Quality Assurance Guidelines The implementation of the QA management system occurs through the control of the Management, review and improvement processes of the Department (Research, Third Mission) and the Study Courses (Training) respectively. Quality Assurance (QA) in the Department is pursued through the identification of improvement objectives and/or corrective actions, involving all interested parties. The objectives are defined in such a way as to be able to monitor them and quantify the level of achievement, through an operational plan structured as follows: -actions to be taken - responsibility (identify the figures responsible for each action) - methods of achievement (tools for pursuing the objective) - necessary resources - definition of objectives achievement indicators - expected timescale for achievement Responsibility for quality lies with the Director, who operates within the organizational structure, and is managed by the Department Quality Manager (RQD) and the Department Quality Commission. A short informative guide for teaching and research staff aimed at fulfilling and managing the quality (QA) processes of the DSCG can be found in the StarterKitAQ.
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