- Chiara FIORONI - Scienze Naturali (L)
- Cesare Andrea PAPAZZONI - Scienze Geologiche (L e LM)
- Laura PIGANI - Chimica (L e LM)
- Roberto SIMONINI - Didattica e Comunicazione delle Scienze
- Sara Fiorenza (Scienze Naturali)
- Eugenio Valorani (Didattica e Comunicazione delle Scienze)
- Pietro Sidoli (Scienze Geologiche)
- Rebecca Sfargeri (Chimica)
Monitoring and critical evaluation of the Department's teaching activities. Formulates improvement proposals
•Documentation relating to the position of responsibility:
University Statute (Art 32), Dept. Regulations (Art 23)
•Taking responsability:
Council Minutes Department dated 03/17/2022
•Documentation produced and cadence:
- Half-yearly reports (March, October) to analyze the data provided by the study
- courses in relation to the evaluation formsAnnual report
•Recipients of the documentation produced:
Department Council, PQA, NdV, QA DIP. CdS.